Despite the myth, student loans can be discharged and wiped away in a bankruptcy. The problem is that two hoops have to be jumped through in order for them to be discharged and one of those hoops is really, really tiny. Hula Hoop #1-Student Loan Adversary Proceeding Unlike most debts that are automatically discharged by […]
Nebraska Bankruptcy Filings Lowest In 5 Years
Nebraska Bankruptcy Filings for 2012 Decrease The number of Nebraska bankruptcy filings were the lowest since 2007 and marked nearly a 12% decrease from the number of bankruptcy filings in 2011, which was nearly 17% lower than the previous year. In total, Nebraskans filed 5,820 bankruptcy cases. Of those, 4,066 were Chapter 7 Liquidation cases, 3 Chapter […]
Bankruptcy Fraud? Denial of Discharge? Be Safe, Not Sorry
Bankruptcy Fraud Thinking about NOT telling your Nebraska bankruptcy attorney about the extra bank account you have with a couple hundred dollars in it, the $5,000 inheritance you expect to receive soon, or your valuable Husker National Championship rings you won in 1994, 1995 and 1997? THINK AGAIN! Just ask Dick and Janna Pierce of Kearney, […]
Nebraska Vehicle Exemption Extended to Temporarily Unemployed
Tools of the Trade Exemption Revisited We have discussed the role of Nebraska exemptions before. A debtor uses exemptions in a Nebraska Bankruptcy to save certain property from being sold by the bankruptcy trustee. An exemption often used in Nebraska bankruptcy cases is the tools of the trade exemption. This exemption allows a debtor to […]
What is Bankruptcy?
Remember playing the game “Monopoly” when you were young? Each player would try and bankrupt the others until one player was sitting with all of the cash and property. If you were the player landing on luxury tax and having to pay incredible rent to a player with a hotel on Boardwalk, you were the […]