How can millionaires file bankruptcy?

Millionaire Files for Bankruptcy? As an Omaha Bankruptcy Attorney, I am often asked how millionaires and huge corporations can get away with filing for bankruptcy. I can only say that the Bankruptcy Code does not discriminate based on wealth. I believe there is some kind of misconception that someone who files for bankruptcy is somehow relieved […]

Wiping Out Home Equity Mortgage Debt

Benefit of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Without getting into the different distinctions of bankruptcy chapters (Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 for consumer debtors) and the complexities of dischargeability (or wiping out liability on debt), I wanted to focus on one positive aspect of the bankruptcy code which, due to the housing market crash has provided debtors filing a […]

Major League Bankruptcy

Where Bankruptcy and Baseball Collide Two things which are important to know about me is that I’m a big baseball fan and I’m an Omaha Bankruptcy Attorney. Not too many opportunities to merge my interests…until recently. With the recent Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing of Major League Baseball’s Texas Rangers and recent filing by the Chicago Cubs and a myriad […]

5 Free Online Budget Trackers

Bankruptcy may have helped you get out of debt, a budget will keep you out of debt! I’ve seen it happen before. A client goes through the stress and pain of filing bankruptcy to relieve themselves of overburdening debt, only to land back into the same situation a few years later unable to pay their […]

Beware Of Credit Counseling and Debt Management Scams

Watch Out for Scams by Credit Counseling and Debt Management Companies Want to know a secret? I’m terrible at math. I need a calculator for even the most rudimentary of math problems, but I do know one math statistic without using a calculator:  100% of people who visit with me after going through so-called consumer […]