This is part four in the six-part series on “How to Prepare a Consumer Chapter 7 Bankruptcy without a Nebraska Bankruptcy Attorney”. The first article dealt with the Bankruptcy Means Test, one of the most difficult aspects of preparing to file bankruptcy, and the deciding factor on whether one can proceed with a Chapter 7 […]
How to Complete Your Income and Expense Schedules in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Without a Nebraska Bankruptcy Attorney
Beware of Fake Bankruptcy Attorneys-the Paid Bankruptcy Petition Preparer
Beware of the Fake Bankruptcy Attorneys-The Paid Petition Preparer You have probably seen the signs on bus stop benches or random billboards advertising for an extremely cheap bankruptcy filing. These signs might be from the bankruptcy mills or $0 Money Down Bankruptcy outfits I’ve warned about before. Or they can be from what I call the […]
End of Year Bankruptcy Planning to Protect Tax Refund
November and December for bankruptcy attorneys is like tax time for accountants. As we head toward the end of the year, bankruptcy filings begin to increase. Why? One aspect of bankruptcy planning for Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases is making sure as much of a client’s tax refund is protected from the hands of the […]
Will ObamaCare Decrease Medical Bankruptcies?
With a major provision of ObamaCare coming to fruition in the coming days, I thought it would be interesting to see how this new law regulating the health insurance industry will affect medical bankruptcies. Back in April 2013, President Obama, in defending ObamaCare, said, “nobody should go bankrupt if they get sick…” While it’s true […]
Nebraska Bankruptcy Court Makes Avoiding Liens on Vehicles Nearly Impossible
For some time, avoiding the lien on a vehicle in a Nebraska bankruptcy case was quite common. If the debtor had what is called a non-purchase money security loan on an owned vehicle, meaning a creditor took out a security interest on property the debtor already owned (“a lien”), AND that lien impaired the Nebraska […]